Take Your Dog To Work Day
5 tips to prepare your dog for ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ (Friday June 25)
It’s that time of year again. Friday June 25 is this year’s ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’. If your workplace is participating and you have a pooch who’s comfortable and well behaved around other people and dogs, you could have a memorable day.
Here are 5 tips to help you make the most of your work day with your special canine friend.

Tip 1 – Make sure your dog has ID, is healthy and up-to-date with vaccinations
Your workplace will be an unfamiliar environment for your dog. If it’s a large, unenclosed environment, there’s the potential for your buddy to wander off and get lost. You can help to prevent that by making sure they have ID before you go.
Making sure your dog is healthy and having them up-to-date with vaccinations is very important whenever they will be mixing with other dogs. The last thing you want is for them to get sick after going to work with you !
Tip 2 – Take food, bowls, treats, a favourite toy and a blanket
Take some food and your dog’s food and water bowls with you and feed your pet in a suitable workplace area.
Keep your buddy away from the kitchen or eating areas to be considerate of your workmates. Not all of them may appreciate having a dog drooling or begging for food when they’re eating their lunch!
Treats are also great to have on hand to reward your dog for good workplace behaviour.
You could also take your dog’s favourite toy to amuse them, along with their favourite blanket for when they want to have a lie down.
Tip 3 – Exercise your dog before you arrive at work
This will help to get rid of some of their excess energy so they don’t become too easily overexcited. It will also encourage them to do a “number two” or “number one” before they enter your workplace, so make sure you have your pickup bags with you when you do.
Tip 4 – Make your dog comfortable as soon as you arrive at work
Introduce your pooch to your workmates and any other dogs so they can quickly settle in. The goal is to make it an enjoyable day for everyone and every dog.

Tip 5 – Keep your dog safe
Workplaces can be potentially unsafe environments. That’s why we have workplace health and safety laws. Your dog obviously won’t be aware of WHS and could get very excited in a new environment. Make sure he or she can’t access anything that could be unsafe (or that they could damage) in your workplace, like cables, cords or bins.
Supervise them at all times and schedule some toilet breaks during the day if you work indoors.
How we can help
At DOOG, we can make sure you have everything you need to take with you on June 25, including collars and leads, harnesses, portable bowls and pickup bags.